This a letter I sent in response to The Olympian on their article about the Democratic party returning the money that JZ Knight donated to Sandra Romero and Bruce Lachney. I don't usually get worked up about things, but I am not able
to sit back and be quiet when I read the comments people write when they have no truth or experience to back up their opinions.
To the Editor:
Where is the letter written by David Champagne on this post, exposing his
sister as the author of the edited tape sent to the media?
It explains why Virginia is going after JZ and the school.
Why isn't it posted?
Are you people so blind and like sheep, who do not think about when
someone is blinded by hate, that they will do anything to get their
Where is it that any of you is checking out the facts for yourself,
asking who this women who is behind it and why and where are your
christian values that you will judge someone or a group simply because
you are willing to accept whatever brainwashing or deceit that is put in
front of you. You were all invited to come and visit and observe for
yourself awhile back, but very few of you wanted to know what really goes
on at RSE. Is that because then, you would have to change your mind
because you would have knowledge and not hearsay?
No wonder this world is in such a mess. Very few will take the time to
read, investigate and find the truth for themselves. No, they will sit
back, drink whatever koolade is given them and think they are very
Whenever you condemn anything of anyone, without finding out the facts
for yourself, you get exactly what you deserve, which is the state that
this country is in right now. Where are our heroes and role models?
Even our soldiers are not given the care and respect they deserve for
fighting our never ending wars so that the corporations can keep on
taking over control. Where is your outrage at these things?
I know you will not pay any attention to this because you are afraid to
open your mind and get the true facts from both sides and then make a
rational decision, based on your own intellect. Go ahead and eat the
pablum that is spooned out to you daily and see what happens as you
passively sit back and let others tell you what is going on and you think
you have it all figured out. They say ignorance is bliss.
I follow my own conscience and then I take responsibility for whatever
comes out of my mouth, and believe me, it is not anyone else's truth but
my own, based on my own experience and not what I am told by others.
What about you?
Remember, what goes around comes around and if you spew vile, vile is
what you get..
Please stay tuned! An analysis of Romney's handwriting is on the way.
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Right on Gloria! Being truthful counts for everything.