Have you noticed something is different in your handwriting? Have you
been writing more slowly than usual? Maybe your writing is not as neat
and legible as it used to be. Is it getting more difficult for you to
write and you really don't understand why this is happening? Maybe you
enjoyed writing and now for some reason, you will use the computer to
avoid having to take the time to write
a personal note or memo.
Changes in your health and brain
chemistry can show up in your handwriting. For instance, if you have
experienced something very traumatic like deep sorrow, severe anger or
anything that brings about a dramatic emotional change will show up in
your handwriting somewhere in the slant, speed, depth or configuration
of the individual strokes you write.
This can be a warning sign
that should not be ignored because it could be a sign that you have a
health issue that needs to be addressed now. Problems with the heart,
motor skills, lungs, hearing, eyesight or anything having to do with
your physical well being can be detected by changes in your
handwriting. This does not mean that handwriting analysis can always
detect where a signal is coming from in your body. Only a medical
professional who has that knowledge can help you to identify the cause.
be aware that a change in
your handwriting indicates a change in your life. You are the one who
can think back and figure out what has happened that was important
enough to allow you to notice the difference in something in your
Gloria Peach is a Master Graphoanalyst and has been working as a professional consultant in this field since 1974.
She can be contacted by email at analyzinghandwriting@yahoo.com or by phone at 360-446-3110 or 360-970-3029.
Have knowledge, - will travel.
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